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Showing results 1 to 10 of 293
Guidance on how to prepare zinc sulfate(VI), zinc chloride and zinc nitrate(V) solutions.
words matched: chloride, zinc
Using zinc metal, and zinc oxide, carbonate, sulfate (VI), chloride and bromide, safely in practical work.
words matched: chloride, zinc
Risk assessment guidance for zinc compounds including zinc chloride, zinc bromide, zinc chromate(VI) and zinc nitrate(V).
words matched: chloride, zinc
This important demonstration proves the existence of ions as charged particles. Using microscale, it can be carried out safely and quickly in a well ventilated laboratory and projected onto a screen s..
words matched: chloride, zinc
Using iron metal, iron oxides, iron sulfates, and iron chlorides safely in practical work
words matched: chloride, zinc
The electrolysis of copper(II) chloride solution was cited in many GCSE exemplar procedures. With large-scale equipment, the volume of chlorine produced, caused breathing difficulties for some student..
words matched: chloride, zinc
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving ammonium salts (Hazcards 9A and 9B).
words matched: chloride, zinc
An invaluable practical guide on how to safely undertake a range of visually and intellectually appealing chemical reactions. Includes alternatives to some traditional activities such as the thermit r..
words matched: chloride, zinc
This guidance is for choosing batteries for general practical circuit work, where pupils experiment with low-voltage circuits by connecting batteries , torch bulbs, buzzers, small motors and other low..
words matched: chloride, zinc
An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: chloride, zinc
Showing results 1 to 10 of 293