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Members only resource
The individuals, companies and organisations listed in this document are associate members of CLEAPSS. They are permitted to display the CLEAPSS logo with the text “Associate Member of CLEAPSS” This m.. more
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Members only resource
When taking a group of children to visit a farm, the principal concern will be maintaining effective hygiene.The farmer may think this unnecessary but he or she is constantly in contact with animals a.. more
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Members only resource
Sensible advice on the minimal risks to pregnant individuals posed by practical school science 
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Members only resource
Magnets and field lines, ways to clean up iron filings and an alternative method that uses twist ties
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Members only resource
A simple method for identifying reducing sugars using chromatography. The reducing sugars need to be stained with Benedict’s reagent to reveal the spots after the run.
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Members only resource
Instructions on how to make a version of TLC plates using simple resources.
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Members only resource
Guidance on how to prepare 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) solution.
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Members only resource
GL057 - Recipe Index  (24 Jan 2025)
Index to currently published guidance on the preparation of specific solutions and other reagents. Includes a summary Contents List giving the dates of the most recent versions of recipes. Note: this .. more
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Members only resource
All CLP Recipe Sheets  (24 Jan 2025)
All-in-one pdf file of the CLP Recipe Sheets published (or updated) up to, and including, 15th November 2024.Since 16th November 2024, up to and including 23rd January 2025 a new Recipe RB119 was adde.. more
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Members only resource
GL458 - Soil testing  (2 Jan 2025)
This guide looks at how to carry out soil tests. It includes collecting the soil, investigating the physical properties of soil and testing for different chemicals present. 
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1 234