Detailed guidance on how to carry out specific physics practical activities so they work and are safe.
Physics Procedures
Showing results 1 to 10 of 34
A straightforward investigation using simple equipment which will allow students to confirm Boyle's law.
An activity that introduces primary aged children to power packs and how to collect and record data to make a conclusion about the strength of an electromagnet.
An editable Word version of the quiz sheet to accompany PP128 - Transition activity: learning to use a microscope.
A zip file containing a Powerpoint presentation to guide the practical activities in PP035, a noise meter which illustrates the level of noise produced by a range of activities and devices; and a list..
How to use a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), or an Arduino, and 2 microphones to measure the speed of sound.
A microscope based quiz where visiting children learn how to mount slides and view them with a junior microscope.
Most A-Level Physics syllabi require students to sketch various
combinations of electric field patterns (e.g. a positive point charge
and negative point charge, or a positive point charge to a neg..
A series of short, simple practicals to demonstrate the relationship between pressure and volume of an ideal gas.
A straightforward practical which can be undertaken by post-16 students as well as done as a demonstration.
A safe, simple procedure to investigate this important property of electrical cells.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 34