CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
Welcome to the new CLEAPSS Science Website
CLEAPSS resources give teachers ideas for exciting and engaging practical activities that fire pupils' imaginations and then, unlike many other sources of ideas, go on to show teachers and technicians in detail how to translate the ideas into safe and exciting experiences in the classroom.
CLEAPSS advice and documentation is recognised by the Health and Safety Executive and the Department for Education.. (read more)
Flaming Bob Worley

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Latest news from CLEAPSS..
CLEAPSS Individual Log In Update
Look out for your individual log in invite email coming soon! Invites will be sent in phases, please do not contact CLEAPSS with regards to this in the meantime.
Emails will be sent from, please add this to your safe senders list.
Eye protection vs Goggles
Unsure of the differences between Googles and Eye Protection (safety specs) ?

The read our buying guide which outlines the differences between the two.
CLEAPSS resources for techs
A video to highlight CLEAPSS resources technicians may find helpful when organising prep rooms and labs, and which could also save them valuable time. 

New Edition of CLEAPSS Guide L93
The new edition of L093 (February 2024) is now available to download. 

Guidance leaflet GL114 (also available now) details the main changes in the new edition. 

A revised edition of DL093 containing editable versions (MS Word) of the key record keeping forms is also available.

RPS in schools should review the revised guidance carefully, in particular, sections 6.5, 6.6.1, 9 and 15 of the revised L093 need to be completed by the RPS.

CLEAPSS will scheduling additional training courses (face to face and online) for RPS(schools). These will be advertised via the website.

RPOs in the CLEAPSS RPA service will be invited to attend an online briefing about the implications of the changes for their role. Invitations will be sent by e-mail this week.
CLEAPSS at the ASE Conference 2024
Thanks to everyone we met at the ASE Conference in Northampton.

You can also see our ASE showcase video reel.

You can find links to all our conference resources.

What's new.. All new documents..

GL450 - Launching Model Rockets
This guide details steps that schools should take to ensure a safe model rocket launch. It should be used in conjunction with the operating instructions supplied with the model rocket. 
 (31 Oct 2024)

GL114 - Changes to L93
Summarises the major differences between the previous and the November 2019 edition of guide L93 - Managing ionising radiations and radioactive substances in schools.
 (29 Oct 2024)

L093 - Managing Ionising Radiations and Radioactive Substances in Schools and Colleges
L093 provides comprehensive guidance on managing, storing and handling radioactive materials and equipment used for teaching about radioactivity.If you are not a member of CLEAPSS, and want your own c.. full details
 (29 Oct 2024)

GL452 - Make it guide- Pooter
Instructions on how to make a pooter using simple resources.
 (29 Oct 2024)

GL451 - Sampling and identifying terrestrial invertebrates
This guide outlines methods for sampling and observing invertebrates in ecology. Methods are given for both on and off the school grounds.
 (29 Oct 2024)