CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
Welcome to the new CLEAPSS Science Website
CLEAPSS resources give teachers ideas for exciting and engaging practical activities that fire pupils' imaginations and then, unlike many other sources of ideas, go on to show teachers and technicians in detail how to translate the ideas into safe and exciting experiences in the classroom.
CLEAPSS advice and documentation is recognised by the Health and Safety Executive and the Department for Education.. (read more)
Flaming Bob Worley

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CLEAPSS online training - Health & Safety for Science Technicians
This FREE unmediated self-study course consisting of 4 video presentations interspersed with DIY tasks.  

Click here for further details of the free self study course

After completing the course you may wish to sign up to our follow-on live online H&S course.
New Edition of CLEAPSS Guide L93
The new edition of L093 (February 2024) is now available to download. 

Guidance leaflet GL114 (also available now) details the main changes in the new edition. 

A revised edition of DL093 containing editable versions (MS Word) of the key record keeping forms is also available.

RPS in schools should review the revised guidance carefully, in particular, sections 6.5, 6.6.1, 9 and 15 of the revised L093 need to be completed by the RPS.

CLEAPSS will scheduling additional training courses (face to face and online) for RPS(schools). These will be advertised via the website.

RPOs in the CLEAPSS RPA service will be invited to attend an online briefing about the implications of the changes for their role. Invitations will be sent by e-mail this week.
CLEAPSS at the ASE Conference 2024
Thanks to everyone we met at the ASE Conference in Northampton.

You can also see our ASE showcase video reel.

You can find links to all our conference resources.

Supply of chemicals - New Regulations

The regulations for supplying explosives precursors and poisons was updated on 27th September 2023 and came into force on 1st October. These put in place new requirements on the supply of certain chemicals which include the following commonly used in schools:

Explosives precursors: acetone, aluminium powders, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, sulfur and sulfuric acid.

Poisons: ammonia, phenols, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite and sodium hypochlorite solutions. 

The regulations state that businesses and professional users should be verified by the supplier every time a new purchase is made of these regulated chemicals. 

 Where they are being supplied frequently or on a routine basis to the same professional user or business, verification should occur every 18 months or whenever there is a change or deviation from normal purchasing patterns. This is something suppliers can choose to do, but given schools don’t generally make frequent purchases of these chemicals, it is likely that the information will be required for each order.

The person making the sale (the supplier) must obtain the following from the business customer (i.e. the school):

<!--the business customer’s name and address. If the business customer is not an individual, the name of an individual who is authorised on behalf of the business customer should be recorded;

<!--a form of photographic identification of the business customer or, if the business customer is not an individual, of the individual making the purchase; this could be a school photo ID card

<!--a statement of the nature of the business customer’s trade, business or profession, or of the public function that the business customer performs; and the business customer’s VAT registration number, if the business customer has such a number

Your school will have to decide who is authorised on behalf of the business to make the purchase (the name on the order must match the individual). For schools it is most likely to be a technician, head of science or finance manager.

There is no licence which applies to these regulations, so there is nothing schools will need to apply for.

This information should be provided when requested by the company making the sale, there is no need to provide it in advance.

Further details including a list of the regulated substances and concentration thresholds can be found in the Explosives precursors and poisons: general guidance on the government website  

Heads of Science Training
Are you a head of science / subject / dept ? 

Not sure on how H&S law applies to you and your team ?

Then our H&S Course for HoD is ideal for you. Click here for the course details

What's new.. All new documents..

Bulletin 181 - Autumn 2024
Bulleting 181 - Autumn 2024
 (13 Sep 2024)

PS046: Radiation Protection in School Science: Guidance for Employers
This guide replaces PS046a and PS046b and offers advice on radiation employers seeking to consult and appoint a radiation protection adviser (RPA). 
 (12 Sep 2024)

GL190 - Using electrostatic generators - making sparks
Straight forward advice on the safe use of the Van de Graaff generator and Wimshurst machines, with some suggestions on suitable practical activities.
 (11 Sep 2024)

GL401 - Getting started - Microbiology
A diagrammatic guide on how to get started with microbiology, outlining the key actions with links to associated guidance.
 (10 Sep 2024)

PP143 - Testing aseptic technique
A simple microbiology activity suitable from Key stage 3 to practice and test your aseptic technique.
 (10 Sep 2024)