CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
CLEAPSS Technicians
CLEAPSS Supporting technicians

Technicians play a vital role in supporting the teaching of exciting, effective science safely. CLEAPSS provides guidance on all aspects of being a technician and resources such as stock lists, templates for laboratory checklists, requisition sheets, labels and much more to help technicians in their jobs. For help with finding these resources see here. CLEAPSS actively works with other organisations to raise the status of technicians in schools.

We also post details of technician networks and job vacancies.

If you need help or advice or would like to share a technician tip please get in touch by email or phone.

Working with glass

Latest news from CLEAPSS..
Sign up for your CLEAPSS Account

The way you log on to CLEAPSS is changing!

Unless are already logging on to CLEAPSS with your personal login then the password you are using will shortly expire and there won't be a replacement in next year's Bulletin.

To continue accessing our services and websites you will need to register your email to create your own individual login. The process should only take a few minutes and once you are set up you will be able to log in with this account for as long as your school remains a member.

Follow this link to set up your CLEAPSS account.

We have created a FAQs guide to this process GL460 - Individual Login FAQs, to help you through this process.
CLEAPSS at the ASE Conference 2025
Find all the resources related to our workshops, talks at the ASE Conference in Nottingham 2025.

CLEAPSS - Teachers H&S Self Study Online Course
We have developed a new self-study course for teachers, which covers the basics of health & safety and how to manage practical work and risk assessments in lessons.

We expect this to take 2-3hrs to complete.

This is a FREE course, all you need to do is complete this registration form.

The course is made up of a series of videos and some tasks. There is an option to download / print off the PowerPoint slides used in the videos to enable users to made notes during the course.

Eye protection vs Goggles
Unsure of the differences between Googles and Eye Protection (safety specs) ?

The read our buying guide which outlines the differences between the two.
CLEAPSS resources for techs
A video to highlight CLEAPSS resources technicians may find helpful when organising prep rooms and labs, and which could also save them valuable time. 

Technicians Resources
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Provides an overview and full index of all Laboratory Handbook sections.

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on blood and cheek cell sampling, inappropriate dumping of waste chemicals, and the role and value of the CE mark on equipment.

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Some resources to help with checking the contents of Molymod molecular model sets after they've been used in lessons.

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Crude oil refinery is a foundation industry, providing fuel products for heating and transport, and raw materials for many further industries, including polymer and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Fract.. more

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessment guidance for carbon disulfide.

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessment guidance for Salicylic acid, aspirin & similar esters

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on how to prepare potassium metabisulfite and sodium metabisulfite solutions.

Members only resource Click to download Data.
This data source is to be used in conjunction with the instructions in GL430 to make generic and bespoke random number tables for use in sampling.

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on how to prepare ninhydrin.

Free resource Click to download Document.
A portfolio of designs of school science laboratories, by Andy Piggott for the ASE

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1 234