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Showing results 1 to 10 of 179
Instructions on how to make Arduino Speed of Sound Apparatus. See accompanying zip file GL330a for the Arduino code.
words matched: sound, speed
How to use a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), or an Arduino, and 2 microphones to measure the speed of sound.
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Gives guidance on general fieldwork including specific measurements and techniques. Detailed guidance is included on measuring substances in the soil, water and air, and electronic measurements such a..
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The zip folder contains the Arduino code for the Speed of Sound Apparatus detailed in GL330 Make-it guide - Arduino Speed of Sound Apparatus
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Instructions on how to make an amplified microphone
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Using a DSO to calculate the speed of sound
words matched: sound, speed
- A positive editorial- New arrangement for re-newing membership- Sterilising with pressure cookers- A 'world' without technicians- Updated method for the howling Jelly Baby- Making and disposing of n..
words matched: sound, speed
Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri..
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A zip file containing a Powerpoint presentation to guide the practical activities in PP035, a noise meter which illustrates the level of noise produced by a range of activities and devices; and a list..
words matched: sound, speed
Extracted, and refreshed from the Handbook, section 12. Includes very useful guidance on setting up and using oscilloscopes.
words matched: sound, speed
Showing results 1 to 10 of 179