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Members only resource Click to download Document.
An extensive range of reference tables and data covering everything from atomic masses to unit conversion.
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Gives guidance on general fieldwork including specific measurements and techniques. Detailed guidance is included on measuring substances in the soil, water and air, and electronic measurements such a.. more
words matched: constants, physical

Free resource Click to download Document.
Project Faraday set out to promote innovative science facilities that not only support 21st century approaches to learning and teaching but also inspire teachers and learners themselves.
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Gives very detailed guidance on what water purification entails, and when pure water is needed in school science. It suggests the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of purification available .. more
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Contains a wealth of information on the various ways of measuring pH, and the advantage and disadvantage os each. Includes all sorts of background theory which will help the reader make the most appro.. more
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Short stay schools are expected, and required, to provide a different organisational and curricular framework to mainstream schools in order to present students with alternative provision. They al.. more
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including balances, barometers, calorimeters, cells and batteries, centrifuges, spirit burners and other heating equipment, steam engines, gas cylinders and ge.. more
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
The guide is a more detailed document than GL122. It gives useful guidance on what to look for in an electronic balance. It explains the features of different types of balance, how to get the best out.. more
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
An essential guide to introducing a person to the role of science technician and to the skills and expertise which may be required in her/his work.
words matched: constants, physical

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Playing with Fire: Chemical Safety Expertise Required - A research paper by Samuella B. Sigmann Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608, United States.ABSTRACT: Over the past 20 year.. more
words matched: constants, physical

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