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A guide to choosing and using lamps for photosynthesis activities.
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Another jam packed edition of the Bulletin :-- Fake news from the Director - Update on the renewal process- Who pays for CLEAPSS membership- Gatsby project update- Using light bulbs in biology- Online..
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This guide suggests species of pondweed that could be used for the bubbling pondweed experiment. It also offers tips for preparing and carrying out the practical.
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Useful, brief, guidance on how to grow the alga and make algal balls, which can be used successfully in photosynthesis practicals.
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Detailed guidance and instructions for a way to measure the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants by measuring the number of oxygen bubble produced and their volume. The practical uses simple equip..
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A more straight forward activity than that done traditionally. Includes all practical instructions and some brief notes on DCPIP.
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Describes the advantages and disadvantages of various Visking tubing practical activities intended to illustrate the workings of the gut. Suggests a range of solutions to problems identified.
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Editorial : keeping it safe and exciting balancing risk, GL263 CLEAPSS filming guide, Technicians Training Programme 2019, Pondweed and alternatives, waste disposal EA duty of care, more information o..
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Covers the fundamental activities that use plants, and includes advice on which plants to use and how to keep plants at school.
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Advice for teachers of the new Science A level courses, plants for photosynthesis practicals, latest updates to the faulty Bunsen burners story, how to safely view the transit of Mercury, disposal of ..
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 12