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Showing results 1 to 10 of 437
A simple protocol used to show that leaves have been photosynthesising by testing for starch.
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A procedure to demonstrate the photoelectric effect using either a commercial or homemade gold leaf electroscope.
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Contains instructions on how to make a simple DIY electroscope
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This document explores the advantages and disadvantages of three methods of looking at stomata, including direct observation with a microscope, epidermal peels and nail varnish imprints.
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Thin layer chromatography is a quick and effective method of separating pigments within leaves. The pigments run clearly on the chromatogram with little outward spread, allowing Rf values to be calcul..
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This guide demonstrates how to set up both a bubble and mass potometer.
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Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of the Handbook, includes information on different electronic meters, and investigations using them. Includes coulombmeters, sensitive galvanometers, picoammete..
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It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the composition of food dyes in an unknown mixture, because formulations have been altered over time, and, as a consequence, the results never match ..
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Covers the fundamental activities that use plants, and includes advice on which plants to use and how to keep plants at school.
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This video demonstrates an easy procedure to carry out chomatography of leaf chloroplast.
words matched: leaves
Showing results 1 to 10 of 437