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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Section 12 of the CLEAPSS handbook has been updated and republished as a number of short, individual documents. You can search for these using key words
words matched: kinetic, theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Straight forward advice on the safe use of the Van de Graaff generator and Wimshurst machines, with some suggestions on suitable practical activities.
words matched: kinetic, theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Provides an overview and full index of all Laboratory Handbook sections.
words matched: kinetic, theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Short stay schools are expected, and required, to provide a different organisational and curricular framework to mainstream schools in order to present students with alternative provision. They al.. more
words matched: kinetic, theory

Members only resource Click to download Data.
This list was produced with support from the SCORE to provide schools with a benchmark list of equipment necessary to teach effective practical science. The spread sheet is explained in an accompanyin.. more
words matched: kinetic, theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Various monitoring techniques can be used to investigate how different factors affect the rates of reactions. The thiosulfate-acid ‘disappearing cross’ activity is an example of a clock reaction with .. more
words matched: theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Contains a wealth of information on the various ways of measuring pH, and the advantage and disadvantage os each. Includes all sorts of background theory which will help the reader make the most appro.. more
words matched: theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The Harcourt-Essen method is useful as the reaction kinetics .. more
words matched: theory

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of Handbook, includes a range of traditional dynamics investigations, with instructions and explanations.
words matched: kinetic

Members only resource Click to download Document.
In this terms issue :-- Update from the director- Job opportunities to work at CLEAPSS- CLEAPS Staff updates- CLEAPSS membership renewals- Microbiology & Radiation training updates- Group 1 metals.. more
words matched: theory

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