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An easy to construct cloud chamber, simpler than the version described previously in GL186
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This guide looks at how to carry out soil tests. It includes collecting the soil, investigating the physical properties of soil and testing for different chemicals present.
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A short overview of the common methods of water purification in school laboratories, include pros and cons. This will be useful for any teacher or technician looking to buy a new water purification sy..
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Explains the regulations covering water supply to labs and the sort of tap fittings or supply arrangements needed to comply.
words matched: drain, pipe
A mixture of hydrogen and air is prepared in a small plastic ‘fizzy drinks’ bottle and then ignited, so that the bottle travels, rocket-like, some distance.
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The reactivity series is an essential part of chemistry study in both KS3 and KS4. The extractions of metals from their ores are important industrial and historical reactions.This procedure makes use ..
words matched: drain, pipe
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving lead metal and some lead compounds (including oxides, carbonate, sulfide).
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General guidance on laboratory and prep-room layout, sizing, ventilation, siting of storage and other services. Special connsideration is given to fume cupboards, dishwashers and refrigeration as well..
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G14 overs all aspects of designing and creating science facilities, from an an individual lab to a suite of labs with associated prep room and stores. Includes room numbers, sizes, services, furniture..
words matched: drain, pipe
Editorial : keeping it safe and exciting balancing risk, GL263 CLEAPSS filming guide, Technicians Training Programme 2019, Pondweed and alternatives, waste disposal EA duty of care, more information o..
words matched: drain, pipe
Showing results 1 to 10 of 317