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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A straight forward method of how to serially dilute a bacterial broth, and grow colonies, for calculating population density. 
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Describes how to sub-culture for class use, and provides three methods of sub-culturing.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This guide gives general advice about incubators and incubator ovens, and their use in school science departments.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
- A positive editorial- New arrangement for re-newing membership- Sterilising with pressure cookers- A 'world' without technicians- Updated method for the howling Jelly Baby- Making and disposing of n.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Covers how to steam sterilise and dry sterilise resources for microbiology.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Provides an overview of the methods available to schools.
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Members only resource Click to download Video.
This video demonstrates how to inoculate an agar plate using microbial broth. This activity is carried out by students and used for testing antimicrobials.
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Free resource Click to download Video.
This video demonstrates how to carry out serial dilutions of bacterial broth. Then making lawn plates for counting population density. 
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Free resource Click to download Video.
This video demonstrates how to make up nutrient broth and nutrient agar when preparing for microbiology activities. 
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Members only resource Click to download Video.
This video demonstrates how to make agar plates seeded with microbial broth. These agar plates can be used in place of lawn plates for testing antimicrobials.
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