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Showing results 1 to 10 of 349
Describes the skills and expertise that technicians often bring to their job, and how schools can make the best use of these by providing job satisfaction, including an adequate salary.
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
A comprehensive guide on school science technicians. Includes what they do and how many are needed. Also includes sections on deployment, pay, job descriptions, training and qualifications, working co..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
Practical work make it count (Editorial) Asbestos in gauzes Benefits of CLEAPSS membership Booking CLEAPSS courses Buying from the CLEAPSS shopHead and brain dissections Student safety sheets 2018 edi..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
In this terms issue :-- Update from the director- Job opportunities to work at CLEAPSS- CLEAPS Staff updates- CLEAPSS membership renewals- Microbiology & Radiation training updates- Group 1 metals..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
Outlines the work that science technicians do, the tasks which they should not, ideally, be given, and provides a pointer to the number of technicians needed in a department and to management issues w..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
This edition includes notes on a career structure for technicians, and tips on making a test-tube rack and sealing a syringe.
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
An essential guide to introducing a person to the role of science technician and to the skills and expertise which may be required in her/his work.
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
- A positive editorial- New arrangement for re-newing membership- Sterilising with pressure cookers- A 'world' without technicians- Updated method for the howling Jelly Baby- Making and disposing of n..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
Includes examples of requisition forms, policies, equipment booking sheets, checklists, task lists, stocklists, lab check lists and financial records. Accompanying Word versions (DL248b) and Excel ver..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
Bumper 12 page edition; directors update, CLEAPSS 12 Day technician training programme, Salters Technician Awards 2016, Demo day, use of sharps, dodgy websites, Unilab power supplies, who to call in a..
words matched: Jobs, Technicians
Showing results 1 to 10 of 349