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General chemical safety information. Includes chemical names and formulae, with instructions for making common dilute solutions, general advice on storage, handling and disposal as well as guidance on.. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Any spill of a hazardous chemical is an emergency and needs to be dealt with safely and efficiently. You can properly deal with a spill only if you have both the expertise and resources to do so, and .. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
In this terms issue :-- CLEAPSS has moved- New staff at CLEAPSS- Pupils using CLEAPSS resources- COVID-19 update- Staining and observing mitosis- Resources for transition events- Burning magnesium rib.. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Things to consider when purchasing chemicals
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Free resource Click to download Document.
How to safely transfer liquid chemicals
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Free resource Click to download Document.
Advice on how to transfer chemicals safely.
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance and information on a range of chemicals, chemistry topics and apparatus including handling chemicals, chemical reactions, gas cylinders and syringes, molecular models, plastics, advanced chem.. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Effective stock management procedures will ensure that the state of chemical containers and their contents are checked on a regular basis: whenever a chemical is used and at least once a year during t.. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This document is a customisable risk assessment for organisations to complete that covers the procedures and activities involved with deliveries and storage of chemicals.
words matched: Chemical, Spills

Members only resource Click to download Document.
No one plans to have an accident or for something going wrong. However, with some thinking and planning before an incident happens (sometimes referred to as incident practice), you can improve how the.. more
words matched: Chemical, Spills

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