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Risk assessment guidance for zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, zinc carbonate and zinc sulfide.
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Guidance on how to prepare zinc sulfate(VI), zinc chloride and zinc nitrate(V) solutions. 
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Using zinc metal, and zinc oxide, carbonate, sulfate (VI), chloride and bromide, safely in practical work.
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Preparing salts is a common activity at GCSE level, bringing together many useful skills. Making copper sulfate crystals (PP027), which involves making copper(II) sulfate from copper(II) oxide, is the.. more
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The activity described can be used as a class practical with KS4 students or as a demonstration with KS3. The energy changes involved can be comparedwith the concentration of the copper(II) sulfate(VI.. more
words matched: sulfate, zinc

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This edition includes notes on the transit of Venus June 2004, unblocking lab gas taps, the introduction of the DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres) Regulations, and two incidents in.. more
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Using iron metal, iron oxides, iron sulfates, and iron chlorides safely in practical work
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Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving zinc metal (Hazcard 107).
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Electroplating is an important industrial application of electrolysis and is studied in many pre-16 and post-16 courses. Electroplating processes often involve coating a metal object with another meta.. more
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Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving ammonium salts (Hazcards 9A and 9B).
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