CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
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The Health and Safety at Work Act and subsequent Regulations require employers to protect their employees by, for example, providing safe working conditions, information & training for health and .. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Outlines the work that science technicians do, the tasks which they should not, ideally, be given, and provides a pointer to the number of technicians needed in a department and to management issues w.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A comprehensive guide on school science technicians. Includes what they do and how many are needed. Also includes sections on deployment, pay, job descriptions, training and qualifications, working co.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a problem with a fume cupboard, working conditions and CPD for technicians, using electron beam tubes, the SAPS (science and plants in schools) project, and small-scale .. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Gloves are not routinely required by technicians, teachers or students carrying out practical work in science. Wear them only when either CLEAPSS guidance requires it or your own risk assessment deems.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
An essential guide to introducing a person to the role of science technician and to the skills and expertise which may be required in her/his work.
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Members only resource Click to download Slideshow.
A training pack for tutors/mentors working with trainee and early career science teachers: Main presentation.The development of these resources was supported by funding from the Gatsby Foundation.
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Health and safety advice on using bioreactors and fermenters safely in science practical work.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guide to doing practical work during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Science
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Essential health and safety advice for practical work using mains, low voltage (ac and dc), and static electricity.
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