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This guidance is for devices used in the school laboratory that emit ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light is classed as optical radiation ranging in wavelength from 100 to 400 nm, below (in wavele.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
The directors update on changes to A Levels & GCSEs, accessing CLEAPSS training - changing times, examining pressure cookers and autoclaves, CLP June 2015 update, where do you keep your biolog.. more
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A straightforward method investigating the effect of UV exposure on the growth of UV-sensitive yeast.
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes the directors message and notes on new CLEAPSS buying guides, some new CLEAPSS videos on YouTube, UV light sources, mercury, organic chemical waste, teaching about radioactivity .. more
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri.. more
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A guide to choosing and using lamps for photosynthesis activities.
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes an article from the director on the value of CLEAPSS membership, and notes on maintaining the supply of chemicals for school science, water supply to laboratories, the dangers of.. more
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
CLEAPSS or CLEAPSE the future of CLEAPSS, staffing updates, The ASE Conference, the CLEAPSS lab, how to use What's New, Good Practical Science; a Gatsby Foundation report, Slime time? ..a new recipe f.. more
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A procedure to demonstrate the photoelectric effect using either a commercial or homemade gold leaf electroscope.
words matched: light, ultraviolet

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on how to prepare chromatography solvents and locating agents. 
words matched: light, ultraviolet

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