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Showing results 1 to 10 of 76
This guide looks at some examples of using applications
(apps) to support the teaching of practical science which teachers are currently using to
great success. The examples chosen supplement rath..
words matched: software, tracker
The zip folder contains the software necessary to use the CLEAPSS USB counter module. The full instructions for making the module can be found in Guide GL118. To run the software, you need to download..
words matched: software
If you are new to using Arduino then this starter guide will be helpful to provide an overview of the fuction and possible uses of the Arduino.
words matched: software
Instructions on how to make an Arduino millivoltmeter for use with CLEAPSS colorimeter or other low-voltage applications. The accompanying zip files GL257a contains the Arduino code & GL257b soft..
words matched: software
The zip folder contains the software which enables readings from the Arduino millivoltmeter (see GL257 Make-it guide) to be displayed on a computer screen or larger screen via a data projector.
words matched: software
Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri..
words matched: software
Everything for the beginner, including buying, setting up, and using a camera in all sorts of laboratory situations, with practical examples.
words matched: software
This leaflet is intended to give brief details only of the major manufacturers and suppliers of electronic balances suitable for use in science within secondary schools and colleges.
words matched: software
This guide is to help the reader decide on which type of oscilloscopes they may wish to purchase, and explains the different features of oscilloscopes (and what is recommended for school science).
words matched: software
The guide is a more detailed document than GL122. It gives useful guidance on what to look for in an electronic balance. It explains the features of different types of balance, how to get the best out..
words matched: software
Showing results 1 to 10 of 76