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Word files of the templates in the Appendix of RPA002.
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Provides templates for diultion streaking, and describes
how to do it.
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This is a collection of what a teacher’s lesson risk assessment could look like.It must be stressed these are examples, and not templates. Teachers and heads of department will need to decide for them..
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template document to assist with managing ionising radiations and radioactive
substances. For use in conjunction with CLEAPSS Guide L93 Managing Ionising Radiations and Radioactive Subs..
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This document describes the methods of aseptic technique to be used by teachers, technicians and students for effective microbiology,
e.g. handwashing, swabbing surfaces, flaming, in microbiology..
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This guide contains filter templates to be used in conjunction with GL416 Optical staining in microscopy.
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This 0-100 template is to be used in conjunction with the instructions in GL430 to make generic and bespoke random number tables for use in sampling.
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This 0-20 template is to be used in conjunction with the instructions in GL430 to make generic and bespoke random number tables for use in sampling.
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A basic set of ten lab rules in Word format, you can then use this to import the rules into your own school templates and formats.
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This 0-10 template is to be used in conjunction with the instructions in GL430 to make generic and bespoke random number tables for use in sampling.
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 70