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Handling scalpels, knives, syringes, needles and seekers, etc. safely during science practical activities.
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A simple modification to a luer slip syringe enables visually impaired students to independently dispense a known volume of liquid.
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Instructions for construction and use of a syringe pump for filling gas baloons and other applications.
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This edition includes notes on a career structure for technicians, and tips on making a test-tube rack and sealing a syringe.
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Various activities often need a 20 cm3 or 60 cm3 syringe full of gas. At CLEAPSS, gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and even hydrogen have been stored for many days in a syringe fitted with a cap.
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Guidance and information on a range of chemicals, chemistry topics and apparatus including handling chemicals, chemical reactions, gas cylinders and syringes, molecular models, plastics, advanced chem..
words matched: syringe
The explosion between hydrogen and oxygen, in the confines of a modern school laboratory, is extremely loud.A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is placed inside a syringe. The mixture is bubbled into soa..
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The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The 'disappearing pink' method provides an alternative to iod..
words matched: syringe
The relative molecular mass of a volatile liquid can be found by measuring the volume occupied by a known mass of the liquid's vapour at room temperature and pressure. This method avoids the use of ga..
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A simple way to make your own vacuum pump
words matched: syringe
Showing results 1 to 10 of 98