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Showing results 1 to 10 of 313
This procedure allows for the experimental determination of the speed of EM radiation by studying standing wave patterns on marshmallows inside a microwave oven.
words matched: standing, wave
How to make your own safe version of this popular device used to demonstrate standing waves using gas flames.
words matched: standing, wave
Detailed instructions, including risk assessment, for safely demonstrating the Rubens' tube and using it to measure wavelength.
words matched: standing, wave
The pendulum wave apparatus provides a striking visual demonstration
of simple harmonic motion, time periods, and phase differences. It
became popularised through viral internet videos. You will n..
words matched: standing, wave
This video demonstrates how to set up and use a Chladni plate to demonstrate standing waves.
words matched: standing, wave
Demonstration showing how to use a microwave and marshmallows to calculate the speed of light.
words matched: standing, wave
The video demonstrates how to set up and use a Rubens tube to demonstrate the pressure variations in a standing wave. The Rubens tube was constructed in house, the instructions for which are also avai..
words matched: standing, wave
This guide gives general advice and points out specific hazards of microwave ovens and their use in school science departments.
words matched: standing, wave
Extracted, and refreshed from the Handbook, section 12. Includes very useful guidance on setting up and using oscilloscopes.
words matched: standing, wave
A simple demonstration to show that sound does not travel through a vacuum
words matched: standing, wave
Showing results 1 to 10 of 313