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Guidance on how to prepare chromatography solvents and locating agents. 
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Risk assessment information for two cyclic silicone compounds contained in some solvents sold under various trade names (including Volasil).
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Precautions needed when using iodine or iodine solutions (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide or other solvents) i practical activities.
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Amino acids can be identified and separated using paper chromatography, a cheaper alternative to using TLC. The amino acids need to be stained with ninhydrin to reveal the spots after the run.
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No longer used much in practical work because of hazards. Includes dichloromethane (methylene dichloride), trichloromethane (chloroform), tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride), 1,1,1-trichloroetha.. more
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Playing with Fire: Chemical Safety Expertise Required - A research paper by Samuella B. Sigmann Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608, United States.ABSTRACT: Over the past 20 year.. more
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Using common dyes and indicators safely in practical activities. Many such compounds , or their solvents, are hazardous but are used in such small amounts and in a very controlled way so as to limit e.. more
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Risk assessment information for dichloromethane (also called methylene chloride or methylene dichloride).
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This demonstration shows preparation of nylon, where solutions of 1,6- diaminohexane in water and an acid chloride in an immiscible solvent are brought together. The nylon polymer forms at the interfa.. more
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Risk assessment information for tetrachoroethene (also called perchloroethylene) and trichloroethene. Note that trichloroethene is NOT the same as 1,1,1-trichloroethane (see Hazcard 103A for this).
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