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Guidance on preparing, labelling and storing Sodium thiosulfate
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Using these sodium salts safely in practical work, Includes metabisulfite and the equivalent  potassium salts. Sodium sulfite is also known as sodium sulfate(IV), sodium hydrogensulfite  as sodium hyd.. more
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessment guidance for Sodium and potassium salts (1)
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Guidance on the preparation (and use) of a number of standard solutions required for some titration activities. Solutions described include: sodium carbonate (for standardising strong acid solutions),.. more
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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Small scale 'disappearing cross' methods for investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of the sodium thiosulfate - acid reaction. Includes use of an alkaline 'stop-bath' to neutralise used.. more
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of practical activities involving iodine and iodine solutions (Hazcard 54).
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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Risk assessment guidance for Sodium and potassium nitrate(III)
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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Risk assessment guidance for Potassium chlorates (V) & (VII) and sodium chlorate(V)
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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Risk assessment guidance for caesium chloride; lithium chloride; sodium bromide, chloride, iodide; potassium bromide, chloride, iodide; rubidium chloride.
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessment information for potassium nitrate(V) and sodium nitrate(V). Includes information about sodium nitrate(V) solutions. Do not confuse these compounds with the nitrite salts, i.e. potassiu.. more
words matched: sodium, thiosulfate

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