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Risk assessment guidance for boron compounds, including disodium tetraborate decahydrate (borax),  boric (boracic) acid and sodium peroxoborate-­‐4-­‐water (sodium perborate).
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This edition includes notes on, stress as an 'industrial disease' in education, the supply of some wrongly labelled chemicals, a device which can be fitted to temporarily hold open a door for the deli.. more
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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Guidance on the preparation of a range of buffer solutions.
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Health & safety advice for the use of Boron compounds
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 Please note: This is a temporary resource providing a summary Contents List of all recipe sheets published to date. RB 000 is a working document, subject to frequent changes as our guidance is update.. more
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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This recipe is for making solutions to make slime.This recipe is designed to be used for lessons teaching about cross-linking.For lessons requiring slime for more ‘fun’ activities, please refer to our.. more
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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Sensible advice on the minimal risks to pregnant individuals posed by practical school science 
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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Contains a wealth of information on the various ways of measuring pH, and the advantage and disadvantage os each. Includes all sorts of background theory which will help the reader make the most appro.. more
words matched: sodium, tetraborate

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