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Instructions on how to make small scale Andrews apparatus.
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Brief risk assessment guidance and experiment notes for small-scale and demonstration versions of the ammonium dichromate(VI) volcano. 
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This document gives details of how to use a small scale small-scale Andrews apparatus (see also GL148 below) to  allow measurement of the time taken to collect the first bubble of gas produced by a re.. more
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This small-scale analysis activity uses simple equipment and provides a useful introduction to the principles of titration. Quantities of the reagents are measured by mass (rather than volume) and the.. more
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Many chemistry courses include the study of the properties of basic and acidic gases. These simple practical procedures allow for the production and testing of ammonia and chlorine.
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This is a quick and simple procedure to produce and test these three common gases. The whole activity can be completed in a single lesson and offers pupils the chance to experience the well-known test.. more
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Testing for common gases is included in most chemistry courses. In this procedure students make their own sample of oxygen gas. Yeast is used as a source of the catalyst for the reaction and is an exa.. more
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Testing for common gases is included in most chemistry courses. In this procedure students make their own sample of carbon dioxide gas to collect and test.
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Small-scale method for determining mass change when sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposes. The method uses a mini spirit burner and an alternative 'crucible' and generates reliable results for quantita.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Testing for common gases is included in most chemistry courses. In this procedure students make their own sample of hydrogen gas to test.
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