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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Brief, straightforward guidance on controlling and using a signal generator.
words matched: harmonic, motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
The pendulum wave apparatus provides a striking visual demonstration of simple harmonic motion, time periods, and phase differences. It became popularised through viral internet videos. You will n.. more
words matched: harmonic, motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This guide looks at some examples of using applications (apps) to support the teaching of practical science which teachers are currently using to great success. The examples chosen supplement rath.. more
words matched: harmonic, motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Everything for the beginner, including buying, setting up, and using a camera in all sorts of laboratory situations, with practical examples.
words matched: harmonic, motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of the Handbook, this gives a brief summary of available wave motion demonstrations.
words matched: motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Instructions on how to make a version of TLC plates using simple resources.
words matched: motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of Handbook, includes a range of traditional dynamics investigations, with instructions and explanations.
words matched: motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Clear instructions for building two versions of a cloud chamber. One uses dry ice as the cooling agent, the other uses an inexpensive electronic coolers which is quite simple to make.
words matched: motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Although published some time ago, this guide offers lots of practical information about how to teach aspects of the Earth in Space. Includes the position of the Sun, day and night, months and years, r.. more
words matched: motion, simple

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Straight forward instructions to make and use the equipment to demonstrate the effect of air rushing into a vacuum. A ping pong ball is accelerated out through the end of a tube with an impressive eff.. more
words matched: motion, simple

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