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A brief report on the experience of some schools with new science facilities
words matched: refurbished
This edition includes notes on refurbishing new laboratories, REACH, primary liaison activities; transporting chemicals, oxygen gas supplies, a problem with sulphur trioxide, and a technicians tip on ..
words matched: refurbished
This edition includes notes on a report on new and refurbished laboratories, an alternative to hiring cylinders of gases, the replacement of the fire regulations, new equipment to demonstrate radioact..
words matched: refurbished
Includes notes on the hazards of borax when making slime, issues with laboratory taps, the laboratory gas supply, the design of new or refurbished science facilities, and an incident with hydrogen per..
words matched: refurbished
This edition includes notes on science project work, A level investigation skills, and the Getting Practical project. There are warnings about starting pistols, exploding thermometers and disposal of ..
words matched: refurbished
In this terms Bulletin :-- Directors Editorial- Thanks to Sheila Liddle - RPA- Four chances to work for CLEAPSS- Pupils consuming / 'snorting' chemicals- 2022 Hazcards Update- CLEAPSS School Suppliers..
words matched: refurbished
A list of companies which will repair and service a range of electrical equipment used in school laboratories.
words matched: refurbished
Bulletin 181 - Autumn 2024- Updates from the Director- Individual log in to CLEAPSS- Getting started in Biology- New dissection guides- Ready for microbiology- 2025 MiSAC competition- Chemical securit..
words matched: refurbished
This edition includes notes on problems with summer heat and stored chemicals, developing issues with latex allergy, a new version of the collapsing can experiment, and a tip on preparing crushed ice..
words matched: refurbished
This short leaflet describes the rational behind, and how to make use of, the apparatus list spread sheet E266.
words matched: refurbished
Showing results 1 to 10 of 26