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This edition includes notes on sensible activities for open days for primary-aged pupils, the Getting Practical project, a spark counter for radioactivity practicals, rare earth (neodymium) magnets, a.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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Originally in section 6 of the CLEAPSS Handbook, this document covers safety of the mains supply to a lab. It includes information on fuses, circuit breakers, and simple safety advice.
words matched: earth, rare

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of the Handbook, includes information on magnets used in science and how to look after them, field line demonstrations, and some history of magnetism
words matched: earth, rare

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a prosecution of a school because of an explosion with Tollen's reagent, accidents when liquefying agar, when students wired 3-pin plugs, when using ethanol on a student.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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Gives guidance on general fieldwork including specific measurements and techniques. Detailed guidance is included on measuring substances in the soil, water and air, and electronic measurements such a.. more
words matched: earth, rare

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the safe use of IT projectors, portable electrical equipment testing, a phenol burn ,an inapprorpate gas cartridge for a lab burner, and problems with practical activiti.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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Editorial; Why do we do practical work?, Developing the role of practical work in science, managing egg collections, soldering (no further use of lead), pupils in prep rooms, gloves update, pupils con.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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This edition includes notes on the theft of materials, including balances and potassium, from science depts, a project looking into a career structure for technicians, and an incident involving the lo.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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This edition includes notes on unsafe fume cupboards, an electrically unsafe power pack, banned chemicals, and a tip on how to suspend marble chips for heating.
words matched: earth, rare

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Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri.. more
words matched: earth, rare

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