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Showing results 1 to 10 of 207
This guide replaces PS046a and PS046b and offers advice on radiation employers seeking to consult and appoint a radiation protection adviser (RPA).
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RPA002 - CLEAPSS Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) handbook
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Regulation 8 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) requires the employer to undertake a suitable and sufficient prior risk assessment before commencing a new work activity involving ioni..
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Health and Safety information on a range of wave radiations studied in school science; including radio, micro, infra red, ultra violet, visible light, X-rays, and gamma rays.
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This document explains the rationale for why CLEAPSS believes that the responsibilities of being the school RPS (Radiation Protection Superviser) should be allocated to a teacher
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This procedure allows for the experimental determination of the speed of EM radiation by studying standing wave patterns on marshmallows inside a microwave oven.
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Summarises the major differences between the previous and the November 2019 edition of guide L93 - Managing ionising radiations and radioactive substances in schools.
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Guidance on general topics including chromatography and electrophoresis, cryogenics, soldering and electrical connections, electrolysis, glass working, glues and adhesives, photography, using pupils a..
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Health and safety information on the use of radioactive sources in practical school science activities.
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A rather technical publication intended predominantly for manufacturers of radioactive sources and school employers.
words matched: radiation
Showing results 1 to 10 of 207