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Showing results 1 to 10 of 137
The flame test technique is very quick and simple method used in qualitative chemistry analysis to identify some of the metal ions.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Qualitative analysis is included in most science and chemistry courses across the 11-19 age range. This guide gives a summary/overview of the currently available CLEAPSS resources that provide detaile..
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Although both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl functional group (-C=O), only aldehydes give a positive test (formation of an orange to brick-red precipitate of copper(I) oxide) with Fehling’..
words matched: analysis, qualitative
A microscale activity which demonstrates a number of chemical reaction with ammonia. Because this is microscale, quantities of chemicals used are tiny, making disposal and clearing up very easy.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Metal carbonates decompose at different temperatures to produce a metal oxide and carbon dioxide gas. This simple activity can be used for qualitative or quantitative activities.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Although both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl functional group (-C=O), only aldehydes (or reducing sugars) give a positive ‘silver mirror’ test result with Tollen’s reagent. This small-scal..
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Guidance on how to prepare (and use) of Fehling's solutions A and B.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
In this activity, a primary alcohol (ethanol) is oxidised to a carboxylic acid (ethanoic acid) using an acidified dichromate(VI) solution. Important techniques are involved including heating under ref..
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Risk assessment information for ammonium sulfide, potassium sulfide and sodium sulfide salts and solutions.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Making solutiosn is an essential skill inchemistry. When accuracy is needed (eg for titration work) a volumetric flask is used.
words matched: analysis, qualitative
Showing results 1 to 10 of 137