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Instructions, including risk assessed control measures, for safely demonstrating the explosive burning of a 1:2 methane/oxygen mixture.
words matched: pressure, wave

Members only resource Click to download Document.
How to make your own safe version of this popular device used to demonstrate standing waves using gas flames.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Detailed instructions, including risk assessment, for safely demonstrating the Rubens' tube and using it to measure wavelength.
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Free resource Click to download Document.
Health and Safety information on a range of wave radiations studied in school science; including radio, micro, infra red, ultra violet, visible light, X-rays, and gamma rays.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the introduction of the Helpline, pressure vessel examination, safely using the Van de Graaff generator, and using limewater.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a prosecution of a school for an accident involving igniting a mix of magnesium powder and potassium chlorate, an accident involving an pressure cooker, laser pointers, .. more
words matched: pressure, wave

Free resource Click to download Video.
The video demonstrates how to set up and use a Rubens tube to demonstrate the pressure variations in a standing wave. The Rubens tube was constructed in house, the instructions for which are also avai.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A simple demonstration to show that sound does not travel through a vacuum
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
In this terms issue :-- Update from the director- Job opportunities to work at CLEAPSS- CLEAPS Staff updates- CLEAPSS membership renewals- Microbiology & Radiation training updates- Group 1 metals.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This practical procedure includes 4 activities to help students recognise and understand the problem of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). It also includes a number of industrial examples which powerf.. more
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