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This guide outlines how to make polarised light filters and use them to view specimens without chemical stains.
words matched: polarising
The electrolysis of water is becoming increasing more relevant as a means of providing hydrogen, which may be used as a fossil fuel supplement or replacement. The expensive, traditional apparatus, the..
words matched: polarising
An invaluable practical guide on how to safely undertake a range of visually and intellectually appealing chemical reactions. Includes alternatives to some traditional activities such as the thermit r..
words matched: polarising
Gives guidance on general fieldwork including specific measurements and techniques. Detailed guidance is included on measuring substances in the soil, water and air, and electronic measurements such a..
words matched: polarising
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including balances, barometers, calorimeters, cells and batteries, centrifuges, spirit burners and other heating equipment, steam engines, gas cylinders and ge..
words matched: polarising
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including low voltage supplies, magnifiers, meters, micrometer screw gauges, microscopes, pumps, thermometers, timers, tubing and volume measurement.
words matched: polarising
This list was produced with support from the SCORE to provide schools with a benchmark list of equipment necessary to teach effective practical science. The spread sheet is explained in an accompanyin..
words matched: polarising
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7