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Showing results 1 to 10 of 173
Covers the fundamental activities that use plants, and includes advice on which plants to use and how to keep plants at school.
words matched: plant
Describes a range of common carnivorous plants and how to successfully grow and keep them.
words matched: plant
Some basic advice on safe handling of plants and fungi, or materials obtained from them, including seeds, in science practical activities.
words matched: plant
Guidance and information on a range of biology topics and equipment such as microbiology, tissue culture, biology teaching models, plants, seeds and pesticides, ponds, preserved specimens, respiromete..
words matched: plant
Guidance on how to prepare various plant growth solutions including: Sach's culture solution, Sach's culture solution with mineral deficiencies, Knop's culture solution, indoleacetic acid (IAA) soluti..
words matched: plant
Guidance on how to prepare toluidine blue. This is used for staining plant material and chromosomes.
words matched: plant
Sodium silicate solution (water glass) will precipitate coloured metal silicates that appear to grow like underwater plants.
words matched: plant
This guide demonstrates how to set up both a bubble and mass potometer.
words matched: plant
A simple protocol used to show that leaves have been photosynthesising by testing for starch.
words matched: plant
This document summarises how to prepare for building and managing a pond.
words matched: plant
Showing results 1 to 10 of 173