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A simple activity involving the analysis of vinegar by titration using phenolphthalein as the indicator.
words matched: phenolphthalein
Guidance outlining the different types of indicator used for making agar cubes for diffusion. It covers how to prepare, use and store the agar.
words matched: phenolphthalein
A straightforward and commonly-used practical on enzyme activity.
words matched: phenolphthalein
This edition includes advice on using phenolphthalein, and notes on CLEAPSS YouTube videos, a radioactivity update, ventilation in chemical stores, hepatitis, laboratory water supplies, a chromatograp..
words matched: phenolphthalein
An alternative practical using lipase.
words matched: phenolphthalein
The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The 'disappearing pink' method provides an alternative to iod..
words matched: phenolphthalein
Guidance on the preparation of a mixed indicator that can be used for colourful investigations of the rusting process.
words matched: phenolphthalein
This activity can be used as an introduction to microscale drop, or “puddle” chemistry. It demonstrates that indicators do not always change at pH7.
words matched: phenolphthalein
How to carry out this classic activity
words matched: phenolphthalein
It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the composition of food dyes in an unknown mixture, because formulations have been altered over time, and, as a consequence, the results never match ..
words matched: phenolphthalein
Showing results 1 to 10 of 40