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Testing for organic functional groups: unsaturation or double bonds
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Many 16+ curriculums include testing for organic functional groups. The iodoform reaction is a simple test for the presence of the acetyl (ethanoyl) group (CH3CO–). The reaction can also be used to te.. more
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Many 16+ curricula include testing for organic functional groups. Qualitative distinction of primary/secondary alcohols from tertiary alcohols, and aldehydes from ketones is commonly carried out with .. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Many post-16 chemistry curricula include testing for organic functional groups. Phenol crystals are tricky to work with, so provide students an opportunity to develop their manual handling and observa.. more
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In this activity, a primary alcohol (ethanol) is oxidised to an aldehyde (ethanal) using an acidified dichromate(VI) solution. After collection by distillation, the organic product can be tested to co.. more
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In this activity, a primary alcohol (ethanol) is oxidised to a carboxylic acid (ethanoic acid) using an acidified dichromate(VI) solution. Important techniques are involved including heating under ref.. more
words matched: organic, test

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Guidance on how to prepare (and use) of Fehling's solutions A and B.
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Clear instructions and advice on how to safely heat flammable materials in test tubes.
words matched: organic, test

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Guidance on how to prepare Brady's test reagent from 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.
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Testing for organic functional groups: manganate(VII) test for alcohols and carbonyls
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