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Showing results 1 to 10 of 46
Details on how to correct the three most common faults found in school microscopes - dirty optical glass, wrong position of "stop" and overtight or loose tension.
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Clear illustrated guidance on how to set up and use a microscope.
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This guide outlines how to make and use filters in order to view specimens without the use of chemical stains
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Guidance on buying microscopes for use by students up to GCSE and at A Level.
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An updated procedure to safely look at human cheek cells under the microscope. Includes information on both health and safety and disposal, as well as some suggestions for more detailed work.
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A microscope based quiz where visiting children learn how to mount slides and view them with a junior microscope.
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A straight forward method using a low risk stain for observing mitosis in garlic root tip cells.
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This document outlines the key points needed when planning to carry out fieldwork and sampling.
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Instructions on how to calibrate eyepiece aids using a DIY stage micrometer.
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Information on the hazards associated with trying to view the Sun, and how it can be done safely.
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 46