CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
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Gloves are not routinely required by technicians, teachers or students carrying out practical work in science. Wear them only when either CLEAPSS guidance requires it or your own risk assessment deems.. more
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Please note: This is a temporary resource containing the model risk assessment information and experimental points as they appeared on the reverse sides of the final edition of the CHIP Hazcards. This.. more
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Tastrak film is used to detect radioactive alpha particles. Once exposed, the film needs to be developed. These risk assessed instructions for developing the film include appropriate control measures.
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The CLEAPSS Helpline usually takes 2 or 3 calls per year from schools in which the new intake includes a student who is allergic to latex. This leaflet offers some guidance on how such students can ca.. more
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The low melting point of gallium metal is demonstrated, eg by using warm water to melt a sample or by making it into a spoon shape and showing that it melts when used to stir a cup of tea.
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Describes two simple microscale practical activities, one a demo, the other for class use, for illustrating the electrolytic separation of copper and chromate ions. Copper chromate is made, in situ, b.. more
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Guidance on how to prepare Leishman’s stain. This is used for staining red and white blood cells in a blood smear. 
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Risk assessment guidance for gallium metal.
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Using methanal (not to be confused with methanol) safely in practical activities. Methanal is also known as formalin, or formaldehyde. Methanal exists as both a gas and, more commonly, as a liquid sol.. more
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Using a number of aldehydes safely in practical work. Includes ethanal (acetaldehyde), ethanal tetramer (metaldehyde),  propanal (proprionaldehyde) and butanal (butyraldehyde).
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