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This edition includes notes on an upcoming total eclipse, sodium and potassium shooting out of the water trough during demonstrations, and problems with Bunsen tubing.
words matched: neoprene
This edition includes notes on a prosecution because of a failure to adequately record risk assessments, an eye accident involving sodium hydroxide, advice on Bunsen tubing, a problem with a filter fu..
words matched: neoprene
This edition includes notes on suggested problems with MDF, laser pointers, storage problems with silicon tetrachloride, issues with fume cupboard testing, a novel method for drying gases, and proble..
words matched: neoprene
The CLEAPSS Helpline usually takes 2 or 3 calls per year from schools in which the new intake includes a student who is allergic to latex. This leaflet offers some guidance on how such students can ca..
words matched: neoprene
Gloves are not routinely required by technicians, teachers or students carrying out practical work in science. Wear them only when either CLEAPSS guidance requires it or your own risk assessment deems..
words matched: neoprene
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including balances, barometers, calorimeters, cells and batteries, centrifuges, spirit burners and other heating equipment, steam engines, gas cylinders and ge..
words matched: neoprene
This edition includes notes on problems with summer heat and stored chemicals, developing issues with latex allergy, a new version of the collapsing can experiment, and a tip on preparing crushed ice..
words matched: neoprene
Describes the structure of the CLP Hazcards, and amplifies and explains the safety information which is included on them.
words matched: neoprene
Project Faraday set out to promote innovative science facilities that not only support 21st century approaches to learning and teaching but also inspire teachers and learners themselves.
words matched: neoprene
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including low voltage supplies, magnifiers, meters, micrometer screw gauges, microscopes, pumps, thermometers, timers, tubing and volume measurement.
words matched: neoprene
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10