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Showing results 1 to 10 of 38
Describes disinfectants available for school microbiology and explains something of how each works so that the user can make informed decisions about which to use.
words matched: milton
Simple, illustrated advice on how to use a lung volume bag to measure tidal lung volume or the vital capacity of the lungs.
words matched: milton
Health and safety advice on using a range of common disinfectants in practical activities.
words matched: milton
Instructions on how to make a pooter using simple resources.
words matched: milton
Updated from section 14 of the CLEAPSS Handbook, this guide suggests equipment and devices which can be used in breathing investigations. It includes a quite detailed appendix on using a traditional s..
words matched: milton
This edition includes notes on fume cupboard testing, working safely with wood dusts, not using mains-powered open wire radiant heaters, dissecting butchers' bits, an introduction to microscale chemis..
words matched: milton
Useful addresses, chemical hazard and storage data and a list of acronyms used throughout the guide and elsewhere on the CLEAPSS website.
words matched: milton
This leaflet is intended to give brief details only of the major manufacturers and suppliers of electronic balances suitable for use in science within secondary schools and colleges.
words matched: milton
Important health and safety information for using a range of human body fluids and tissues in practical work.
words matched: milton
Basic recipe for making agar, with additional details for making a range of agars used in science practicals, but not including those used in microbiology. (See GL229 for those).
words matched: milton
Showing results 1 to 10 of 38