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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This guide demonstrates how to use smartphones effectively with microscopes. 
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the status of science technicians, the use of lead-based solder, the RSC publication ' Surely that's banned?',  problems with battery holders and advice on some of the p.. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Everything for the beginner, including buying, setting up, and using a camera in all sorts of laboratory situations, with practical examples.
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including low voltage supplies, magnifiers, meters, micrometer screw gauges, microscopes, pumps, thermometers, timers, tubing and volume measurement.
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a DfES consultation on the registration of radioactive materials in schools, a exploding 'pop' bottle, spirit burners, CLEAPSS support for a school successfully resistin.. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
- From the Director (the importance of practical work)- Return to school September 2020 guidance- Keeping your membership up to date- Alternatives to cheek cells- Food tests- Chemical store poster (go.. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a prosecution of a school for an accident involving igniting a mix of magnesium powder and potassium chlorate, an accident involving an pressure cooker, laser pointers, .. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the security of chemicals in schools, using the, then, new non-rosin solder, a report of an accident when cutting phosphorus, and a tip on how to slice regular-sized pie.. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Bulletin 177 -  Summer 2023, in this terms edition :-- From the Director; CLEAPSS is 60- CLEAPSS offices grand opening- Membership renewals- New biology resources- Support for primary / secondary tran.. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Bulletin 180 - Summer 2024, in this terms edition :-- Directors editorial- The value of practical work with Dr Ajay Sharman- New methods of staining in biology- Sampling in biology- MiSAC competition .. more
words matched: holder, microscope, phone

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