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Risk Assessment for the exploding can, methane and air explosion.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Instructions, including risk assessed control measures, for safely demonstrating the explosive burning of a 1:2 methane/oxygen mixture.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A set of risk assessed instructions for safely demonstrating this reaction.
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Free resource Click to download Document.
Health and safety advice on using bioreactors and fermenters safely in science practical work.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessed instructions and control measures for demonstrating this gas-powered rocket.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Risk assessment guidance for butane, ethane, heptane, hexane, methane, propane, pentane, petroleum spirit 40 - 60, 60 - 80, 80 - 100, 100 - 120, 120 - 160 ◦C (petroleum ether 40 - 60, 60 - 80, 80 - 10.. more
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Free resource Click to download Document.
Precautions needed when handling a wide range of hydrocarbons safely in practical activities. Includes gases, liquids (including oils) and solid naphthalene.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Detailed instructions, including risk assessment, for safely demonstrating the Rubens' tube and using it to measure wavelength.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving copper metal, copper(I) oxide, copper(II) oxide, copper carbonate and copper(II) sulfide (Hazcard 26).
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A simple to make piece of equipment that is useful for igniting rockets, or controlled explosions.
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