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Includes information on: lead metal, lead(II) carbonates, lead(II) oxide, lead(IV) oxide, dilead(II) lead(IV) oxide (red lead) and lead(II) sulfide (galena).
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving lead metal and some lead compounds (including oxides, carbonate, sulfide).
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Using lead metal, lead oxides, bromide, nitrate(V),ethanoate, and others, safely in practical work.
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Risk assessment guidance for Iron, its carbonate, oxides & sulfides
words matched: lead, sulfide

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When the iron/sulfur mixture is heated, the sulfur melts and reacts with the iron exothermically to form iron(II) sulfide. This is an important demonstration that shows that the properties of a compou.. more
words matched: lead, sulfide

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The reaction between iron and sulfur, to produce iron(II) sulfide, is described in PP079. The reaction between iron and sulfur – students’ version.This document describes a range of chemical tests tha.. more
words matched: lead, sulfide

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An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Concentrated sulfuric(VI) acid reacts with solid samples of Group 1 halides (chloride, bromide or iodide) to form hydrogen halide gases and other products. The activity illustrates the behaviour of co.. more
words matched: lead, sulfide

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Sulfuric(VI) acid does not exhibit the usual properties of an acid unless it is dissolved in water. In this activity, the concentrated acid acts as an oxidising agent. Copper is oxidised to copper(II).. more
words matched: lead, sulfide

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