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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This guide explains how to make your own soldering fume extraction unit, using a PC fan and some charcoal filter.You will need access to a laser cutter.
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A set of instructions to construct and operate a model wind tunnel which is sufficiently large to explore the wind movement around a range of objects. The guide is accompanied by a set of files to ena.. more
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Explains laser classification and hazards. Describes the  lasers that are permitted in school science and the range of relevant practical work. Also desribes common devices which use lasers and how th.. more
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Compressed Folder.
This is the DXF file, needed for the laser cutter section of Guide GL163.
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Compressed Folder.
A zip file which include instructions, in the two most common formats, for a 3D printer to produce components of the wind tunnel. Also included are files to enable sheet materials for the wind tunnel .. more
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
An easy to construct cloud chamber, simpler than the version described previously in GL186
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Instructions on how to make microscale electrolysis apparatus.
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Spring 2025 Bulletin- Directors Editorial - Updates on your individual log in's- Magnificent ways to make the most ofyour microscopes- UV Glow- Slime once again- Stopping half way with Aspirin- Guidan.. more
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes the directors message and notes on new CLEAPSS buying guides, some new CLEAPSS videos on YouTube, UV light sources, mercury, organic chemical waste, teaching about radioactivity .. more
words matched: cutter, laser

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a prosecution of a school because of an explosion with Tollen's reagent, accidents when liquefying agar, when students wired 3-pin plugs, when using ethanol on a student.. more
words matched: cutter, laser

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