Latest Resources
Showing results 1 to 10 of 27
A microscope based quiz where visiting children learn how to mount slides and view them with a junior microscope.
words matched: junior
An activity that introduces primary aged children to power packs and how to collect and record data to make a conclusion about the strength of an electromagnet.
words matched: junior
An editable Word version of the quiz sheet to accompany PP128 - Transition activity: learning to use a microscope.
words matched: junior
Information about younger children in lab and advice on how to go about risk assessing them.
words matched: junior
A memorable activity where primary school children use dry ice and a range of scientific equipment to grow a mystical snake.
words matched: junior
Advice about activities that younger children, of varying ages and ability, can undertake.
words matched: junior
During this challenge-based activity visiting children learn to follow a written method and pipette dropwise without contaminating samples.
words matched: junior
Three activities that use light to support visiting children to learn to use a light box, trace light lines and collect data.
words matched: junior
Risk assessment guidance for barium metal, barium carbonate and barium chloride.
words matched: junior
A suite of 3D printable accessories to perform various experiments with school radioactive sources.
words matched: junior
Showing results 1 to 10 of 27