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CLEAPSS RPA Service Form RPA010: Application to join (Local Authority or MAT)
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A tip for re-joining broken threads in spirit thermometers
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If your school is becoming an academy then you may find that some services you have been used to, such as CLEAPSS membership, are no longer available to you. This guide provides various ways to contin..
words matched: joining
This guide assembles, in one booklet, information about the purpose of CLEAPSS and the services it offers and is likely to be useful to members and those thinking of becoming members.
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This is a short document explaining the benefits of joining CLEAPSS.Joining details can be found in the membership section of the site, or by contacting the office.
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Please read the document G001 - A guide to CLEAPSS services
below before completing this application form.
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In the absence of CLEAPSS membership the employer, be it the governors or trustees, must consider how to fulfil aspects of the Health and Safety at Work Act and its subsequent regulations. This guide ..
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This guide is for organisations wishing to offer the CLEAPSS RPA service to schools and colleges. The service is limited to radioactive materials included within the scope of CLEAPSS guide L093. These..
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This guide demonstrates how to set up both a bubble and mass potometer.
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Here in draft format is our collection of knitting patterns, for various body parts.
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 114