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Showing results 1 to 10 of 117
A regularly-updated list of companies which will repair and service microscopes
words matched: instruments
A list of companies which will repair and service a range of electrical equipment used in school laboratories.
words matched: instruments
This explains how to estimate the radioactivity of instruments which have dials painted with radium paint. Such dials are now getting very old and the paint will be deteriorating and possibly flaking ..
words matched: instruments
This guide gives advice about how to carry out dissections safely. This includes how to store and prepare the dissection material, what equipment to use, and clearing up and disposal.
words matched: instruments
This guide was updated and renamed in June 2018. It is a short guide often used to accompany CLEAPSS training on portable appliance testing (PAT). Describes the rules for electrical testing and the pr..
words matched: instruments
This leaflet is intended to give brief details only of the major manufacturers and suppliers of electronic balances suitable for use in science within secondary schools and colleges.
words matched: instruments
A short document which identifies hazards and control measures for using sharps
words matched: instruments
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of the Handbook, includes information on different electronic meters, and investigations using them. Includes coulombmeters, sensitive galvanometers, picoammete..
words matched: instruments
A regularly-updated list of companies which will repair and service a wide variety of school science equipment. The list includes meters of all sorts, anatomical models, vacuum pumps, gas cylinder reg..
words matched: instruments
Extracted, and refreshed from the Handbook, section 12. Includes very useful guidance on setting up and using oscilloscopes.
words matched: instruments
Showing results 1 to 10 of 117