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Various monitoring techniques can be used to investigate how different factors affect the rates of reactions. The thiosulfate-acid ‘disappearing cross’ activity is an example of a clock reaction with ..
words matched: initial, method, rate
Small scale 'disappearing cross' methods for investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of the sodium thiosulfate - acid reaction. Includes use of an alkaline 'stop-bath' to neutralise used..
words matched: initial, method, rate
The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The 'disappearing pink' method provides an alternative to iod..
words matched: initial, method, rate
The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The Harcourt-Essen method is useful as the reaction kinetics ..
words matched: initial, method, rate
This document gives details of how to use a small scale small-scale Andrews apparatus (see also GL148 below) to allow measurement of the time taken to collect the first bubble of gas produced by a re..
words matched: initial, method, rate
Detailed guidance and instructions for a way to measure the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants by measuring the number of oxygen bubble produced and their volume. The practical uses simple equip..
words matched: initial, method, rate
Gives very detailed guidance on what water purification entails, and when pure water is needed in school science. It suggests the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of purification available ..
words matched: initial, method, rate
A quick and safe method for preparing hydrated copper sulfate crystals from copper(II) oxide and sulfuric acid. The activity involves important techniques such as heating with a water bath, filtration..
words matched: initial, method, rate
This document contains wide ranging information on developing environmental areas in schools, from the initial planning stages through to environmental activities and classroom resources for when you ..
words matched: initial, method, rate
A short overview of the common methods of water purification in school laboratories, include pros and cons. This will be useful for any teacher or technician looking to buy a new water purification sy..
words matched: initial, method, rate
Showing results 1 to 10 of 569