CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
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This edition includes notes on the, then, new Hazardous Waste Regulations,  the updated Workplace Exposure Limits, and tips on using broke burettes, and storing pH meters.
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A regularly updated list of contractors that will remove hazardous and other waste materials from schools. Includes brief advice on choosing the most appropriate. 
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What is a risk assessment, who has to do it and how it is done. Includes advice on what to do when making a risk assessment. Includes risk assessment forms.
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Provides an overview of common health and safety issues in a school laboratory and what might be expected of a new science teacher. Includes information on legal responsibities, first aid, and risk as.. more
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This includes all the pictograms required by the Globally Harmonised System for chemical hazard labelling. A selection of large (A4) and small sized pictures for printing and use in schools
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the Getting Practical project, chemical hazard labelling; the Hazardous Waste regulations, latex allergy, silicon tetrachloride, model steam engines, bulls eyes for diss.. more
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Using common dyes and indicators safely in practical activities. Many such compounds , or their solvents, are hazardous but are used in such small amounts and in a very controlled way so as to limit e.. more
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This edition includes notes on the Getting Practical project, sensible reasons for undertaking practical activities at open evenings, a frostbite incident when making dry ice, possible allergy issues .. more
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A summary of queries to CLEAPSS concerning suggested practical activities which either did not work or were unduly hazardous. Ways around these problems are either included within this document or in .. more
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Soap making is an ancient process, going back at least 4000 years. It is an example of saponification of an ester group, which is sometimes included in GCSE, A-level and BTEC courses. The conventional.. more
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