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Showing results 1 to 10 of 85
Testing for common gases is included in most chemistry courses. In this procedure students make their own sample of oxygen gas. Yeast is used as a source of the catalyst for the reaction and is an exa..
words matched: glowing, splint
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving potassium nitrate(V) and sodium nitrate(V) salts (Hazcard 82).
words matched: glowing, splint
The electrolysis of water is becoming increasing more relevant as a means of providing hydrogen, which may be used as a fossil fuel supplement or replacement. The expensive, traditional apparatus, the..
words matched: glowing, splint
This is a quick and simple procedure to produce and test these three common gases. The whole activity can be completed in a single lesson and offers pupils the chance to experience the well-known test..
words matched: glowing, splint
In this edition are notes on the supply of cheap but poor quality chemicals, poor quality Bunsen burners, relocating chemicals during and after a refurbishment, a useful technician tip on a way of tem..
words matched: glowing, splint
An invaluable practical guide on how to safely undertake a range of visually and intellectually appealing chemical reactions. Includes alternatives to some traditional activities such as the thermit r..
words matched: glowing, splint
Gives guidance on preventing and dealing with fires in the context of school science laboratories, including risk assessment, sensible and statutory precautions, fire extinguishers and other fire figh..
words matched: glowing, splint
Please note: This is a temporary resource containing the model risk assessment information and experimental points as they appeared on the reverse sides of the final edition of the CHIP Hazcards. This..
words matched: glowing, splint
All Student Safety Sheets in a handy PDF format, which makes printing a whole set easier.2022 update.
words matched: glowing, splint
Risk assessed instructions for demonstrating a light bulb glowing in a microwave oven.
words matched: glowing
Showing results 1 to 10 of 85