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Showing results 1 to 10 of 477
Guidance on buying ducted and re-circulatory filtration fume cupboards.
words matched: fuming
A straight forward guide detailing how to safely use a fume cupboard.
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guide is intended for those using, buying, or designing fume cupboards for
schools and colleges. Information is provided on common problems, on choosing
and installing appropriate cupboards an..
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This guidance lists the suppliers/manufacturers of fume cupboards and fume cupboard filters intended for the schools market.Please note that CLEAPSS no longer carries out routine fume cupboard testing..
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This guide explains how to make your own soldering fume extraction unit, using a PC fan and some charcoal filter.You will need access to a laser cutter.
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This edition includes notes on unsafe fume cupboards, an electrically unsafe power pack, banned chemicals, and a tip on how to suspend marble chips for heating.
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This edition includes notes on a chemistry teacher who was fined after an accident which resulted from a failure to follow risk assessment guidance (the LEA was a member of CLEAPSS), the introduction ..
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This guide describes a method of finding the iodine number for fats and oils using bromine that does not require a fume cupboard and can therefore be used as a class activity.
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This model logbook is designed for a school science department, to ensure the basic checks and records are in place for these safety-critical devices. Fume cupboards are often supplied with an operato..
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Briefly explains the legislative basis for annual fume cupboard testing and the equipment needed to undertake the test. Also includes a regularly-updated list of contractors who will test fume cupboar..
words matched: fuming
Showing results 1 to 10 of 477